#STOPCORRUPTION International Conference on Good Governance 19 - 20 October, 2022
Campus of the International University of Rabat – Morocco
StopCorruptionInternational Conference on Good Governance
The Event
A few months after the success of its very first International Conference tackling the fight against corruption, organized within Sciences Po (Paris Institute of Political Studies) on December 11, 2018, the #StopCorruption association is looking forward to seeing you soon in Rabat for another exceptional event.
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, co-organized with the National Authority for Probity, Prevention and Fight Against Corruption (INPPLC) of Morocco and the International University of Rabat, the theme of this year’s Conference on Good Governance will be:
“Preventing and Fighting Corruption: A Challenge for the Development of the African Continent, A Necessary Response to the Legitimate Expectations of Youth”
By choosing to organize this event on the African continent, in Morocco, the #StopCorruption association wants to reaffirm its international dimension and its unwavering commitment to defend a fair and responsible governance around the world. This also reflects the sincere willingness of the association’s members to promote a more decentralized approach by giving voice to a variety of actors, who intervene at different levels against corruption.
Once again, the association also wishes to place young people at the very heart of the debates: whether in Africa or in the rest of the world, it is up to them to endorse the values of exemplarity and probity.
For two days, the campus of the International University of Rabat will be transformed into a high-level forum where representatives of the main international and regional organizations, the authorities of many States, business leaders and civil society actors will debate during several round tables.
Partnership with Sciences Po
The Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po), its director Frédéric Mion and the educational community take a stand against corruption beside the non profit-making organization #StopCorruption.
The students of Sciences Po will write a manifesto promoting good governance and ethics and will present it to every stakeholder at the end of the Conference.
Who We Are
Created in April, 2018, the non profit-making organization #StopCorruption aims at raising the awareness of governments and citizens about the values of ethics.
Across the world, corruption scandals explode and citizens’ trust in their institutions is still dampening. If efforts with telling effect have been made — the fight against corruption becoming little by little a priority in the political agendas — too many excesses of power hamper the functioning of the states, question the democratic principles and destabilize the global economy.
That’s why #StopCorruption is committed to build a more transparent world, in which governments, companies, NGOs and citizens will join their forces to fight against corruption.
By prompting education and academic research in order to nurture tomorrow’s leaders, by contributing to draw the outlines of a new ethical ambition, #StopCorruption intends to endorse the principles of good governance around the globe.
The founding members of #StopCorruption :
• Michel Sapin and Michel Hunault, Vice-Chairs ;
• Daniel Lebègue and Gérard Rameix, Members of the Board.
Former President of France François Hollande serves as Honorary Chairman of the association #StopCorruption.
Wednesday October 19th, 2022
8:00a.m. – 9:00a.m. Welcoming guests and high-level profiles on campus at the International University of Rabat
9:00a.m. – 10:30a.m. Opening of the conference
10:30a.m – 11:45a.m Ministerial Panel
11:45a.m. – 1:15p.m. First workshop: « Thinking the economic transformation of the African continent in light of the fight against corruption »
1:15p.m. – 2:30p.m. Lunch
2:30p.m. – 4:00p.m. Second workshop: « Corruption in Africa: observations, consequences and challenges »
4:00p.m. – 4:15p.m. Networking break
4:15p.m. – 5:45p.m. Third workshop: « Efficient mechanisms for the creation of an environment prone to the sustainable development of companies »
8:00p.m. – 10:00p.m. Official dinner
Thursday October 20th, 2022
8:00a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Welcoming guests and high-level profiles on campus at the International University of Rabat
9:00a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Fourth workshop: « Preventing corruption: mutual efforts among national institutions, civil society, and international organisations »
10:30a.m. – 10:45a.m. Networking Break
10:45a.m. – 12:15p.m. Fifth workshop: « Rebuilding trust and creating a unified dynamic »
12:15p.m. – 1:45p.m. Lunch
2:00p.m. – 3:30p.m. Sixth workshop: « The youth: prime actor and target for a successful strategy against corruption »
3:30p.m. – 3:45p.m. Networking Break
3:45p.m. – 5:00p.m. Closing of the conference
Reports from the workshops by the students of the International University of Rabat
Registrations are fully booked
What We Do
We defend, in France and everywhere else, the good practice and every initiative set up by NGOs and civil society.
We release overviews about good gouvernance over the world and the evolution of the legislation tackling the issue of corruption.
Rally public opinion
We make of every citizen the greatest upholder of the fight against corruption.
We share practical and realistic yet bold solutions to get rid of corruption.
We make the leaders of tomorrow aware of the need for a fair governance and we give them the essential keys to face the issue of corruption.
Committed to the promotion of good governance and the fight against corruption, and willing to raise the awareness of governments and citizens about the values of ethics, the non profit-making organization #StopCorruption creates a Prize awarded on a biennial basis in accordance with the following rules.
The Prize of the #StopCorruption association aims at rewarding scientific publications as well as academic works undertaken by students, providing an in-depth analysis of the state of corruption around the world, its perceptions and its impact on societies, or developing concrete proposals on good governance, ethics and exemplarity, transparency and compliance.
The scientific publications and academic works submitted to the #StopCorruption association may be written in French or English. The eligible disciplinary areas include Law, Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (history, sociology, political science and philosophy peculiarly). Only contributions published or produced during the two civil years preceding the awards ceremony of the Prize, until the final deadline for submitting applications (from January 1st, 2017 to October 15th, 2019 at Midnight), are eligible. When they have not been published, the theses defended in the same years are eligible.
Eligible publications for the Prize of the #StopCorruption association include:
• published or unpublished theses;
• books, including a chapter published in a collective book covering one of the topics above-mentioned;
• research papers undertaken by students as part of the final year of their Master’s degree, covering one of the topics above-mentioned;
• peer-reviewed journals, including the publication of a special issue covering one of the topics above-mentioned;
• scientific articles published in international or national peer-reviewed journals.
The Prize of the #StopCorruption association will be awarded in two mentions:
- The first mention will reward scientific publications produced by teacher-researchers: books, including a chapter published in a collective book; peer-reviewed journals, including the publication of a special issue; scientific articles published in national orinternational peer-reviewed journals.
- The second mention will reward academic works undertaken by students, whether they are doctors (or doctoral students) or students in the final year of their Master’s degree: theses, published or unpublished; research papers.
The Prize is endowed with a total 12,000 (twelve thousand) euros, equally divided between the two categories presented above.
The Prize will be awarded at the end of 2019 by a jury composed of the members of the Board of the #StopCorruption association, the qualified personalities members of the Scientific Committee of the #StopCorruption and students from the partner universities of the #StopCorruption association.
The complete application package must be sent by October, 15th 2019 only by email to the following address: prix@stop-corruption.fr (PDF only).